The Clue-Less system shall operate with the following Web browsers: Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.
OE-2: The Clue-Less system shall operate on a server running the current corporate versions of TBD
OE-3: The Clue-Less system shall permit user access from a standard Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Design and Implementation Constraints
CO-1: The Clue-Less system shall adhere to the design, code, and maintenance rules and
Regulations set forth in the Clue-Less Project Plan v2.0.
CO-2: The Clue-Less system shall be coded in the Java programming language.
CO-3: The Clue-Less system shall be complete by the deadline set by Professor Sam Schappelle.
User Documentation
UD-1: The Clue-Less system shall provide an integrated help system that describes the rules of the game, and illustrates all system functions.
UD2: The Clue-Less system shall provide clear and concise documentation.