1. Describe the magnetic effects of current? (to achieve a pass grade, describe the magnetic effect of current)
2. Complete the diagram to show the direction of motion of the conductor: (to achieve a pass grade, use left hand rule to identify current, field, force directions)

3. Explain how relay work? : (to achieve a pass grade, explain operation of relays)
4. Explain how AC is generated? : (to achieve a pass grade, explain generation of AC)
5. Complete the diagram to show the missing angles: (to achieve a pass grade, identify features of sine waves (angles))

6. Calculate the unknown in the following table: (to achieve a pass grade, convert between peak and RMS values for voltage and current)
7. Calculate the unknown in the following table: (to achieve a pass grade, convert between peak and RMS values for voltage and current)
8. A circuit has a voltage of 15V and a current of 2A. the phase angle is 45 degree. Calculate the true power of the circuit? (to achieve a pass grade, calculate apparent and true power)
9. Calculate the apparent power for the circuit in (to achieve a pass grade, calculate apparent and true power)