Describe the java.lang package, JAVA Programming

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Describe the java.lang package ?

Each package describes a number of classes, exceptions, interfaces, and errors. For instance, in Java 1.1 the java.lang package holds these:

Interfaces in java.lang
• Cloneable
• Runnable
Classes in java.lang
• Boolean
• Byte
• Character
• Class
• ClassLoader
• Compiler
• Double
• Float
• Integer
• Long
• Math
• Number
• Object
• Process
• Runtime
• SecurityManager
• Short
• String
• StringBuffer
• System
• Thread
• ThreadGroup
• Throwable
• Void
Exceptions in java.lang
• ArithmeticException
• ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
• ArrayStoreException
• ClassCastException
• ClassNotFoundException
• CloneNotSupportedException
• Exception
• IllegalAccessException
• IllegalArgumentException
• IllegalMonitorStateException
• IllegalStateException
• IllegalThreadStateException
• IndexOutOfBoundsException
• InstantiationException
• InterruptedException
• NegativeArraySizeException
• NoSuchFieldException
• NoSuchMethodException
• NullPointerException
• NumberFormatException
• RuntimeException
• SecurityException
• StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Errors in java.lang
• AbstractMethodError
• ClassCircularityError
• ClassFormatError
• Error
• ExceptionInInitializerError
• IllegalAccessError
• IncompatibleClassChangeError
• InstantiationError
• InternalError
• LinkageError
• NoClassDefFoundError
• NoSuchFieldError
• NoSuchMethodError
• OutOfMemoryError
• StackOverflowError
• ThreadDeath
• UnknownError
• UnsatisfiedLinkError
• VerifyError
• VirtualMachineError

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