Definition of cross join - sql, PL-SQL Programming

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Definition of CROSS JOIN - SQL

Let s = t1 CROSS JOIN t2, where t1 and t2 are table expressions optionally accompanied by range variables. Then:

Note: Here T denotes Table and R denotes Row

  • The heading Hs of s is the concatenation of the headings of t1 and t2, in that order.
  • If r1 is a row appearing n1 times in t1 and r2 is a row appearing n2 times in t2, then the row formed by concatenation of r1 and r2 in that order appears n1*n2 times in the body of s.

It follows that the degree of the result is the sum of the degrees of the operands and its cardinality is the product of their cardinalities, as with r1 TIMES r2.

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