Define statements to define the constants, C/C++ Programming

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the problem description.

The order of the C Program should be as follows:

Variables and constants

  • Use #define statements to define the constants.
  • Use arrays to store the data, median values, median map and counts.

Read Data

  • Read each individual data item from the file using an appropriate method into a two dimensional array.
  • Close the file when finished.


  • Calculate and store the median for each row and column.
  • Determine and store the values for the Median Map.
  • Calculate the counts for each row and column in the Median Map where the value is 1, 0 or -1.
  • Display the Median Map and counts.


Using an appropriate MatLab syntax, write the code required to analyse and display the data as per the problem description.

The order of the MatLab Program should be as follows:

Variables and constants

  • Use two dimensional arrays to store the data, medians and maps.

Read Data

  • Read each individual data item from the file using an appropriate method into a two dimensional array.
  • Close the file when finished.


  • Calculate and store the median for each row and column for an unknown number of rows and columns.
  • Determine and store the values for the Median Map.
  • Calculate the counts for each row and column for the values 1, 0  and -1
  • Display the Median Map and counts.

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