Define octane number & cetane number, Chemical Engineering

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1. a)Explain the construction and working of catalytic converter with a neat diagram.

b)  How much of rise in temperature of water occurs when 0.222 kg of a fuel is burnt in bomb calorimeter containing 4.6kg of water, if the gross calorific value of the fuel is 2424 kJkg-1 and water equivalent of calorimeter is 3.3kg.  Specific heat of water = 4.187 kJ kg-1 oC-1 .

2. a) Describe the experimental determination of calorific value of a fuel using bomb calorimeter.

   b) Explain Pulling technique for the production of Silicon Single crystal

3. a) Define Octane number & Cetane number.  Discuss the methods of improving octane number of a fuel.

    b) What is power alcohol? Explain how ethyl alcohol is manufactured from molasses.

4. a) Write a note on anti knocking agents.

    b) What is bio diesel? How is it prepared? What are the advantages?

5. a) What are photovoltaic cells? Mention the advantages and disadvantages.

    b) Explain the construction and working of PV Cells.


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