Define functions of fluoride, Biology

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Define Functions of fluoride?

The only beneficial role demonstrated for fluoride is in reducing the prevalence and severity of dental caries in children and adults. This is enumerated next. Fluoride and dental caries: There are three ways in which fluoride may act to prevent tooth decay. When fluoride is incorporated into the tooth early in life at the time of tooth eruption, the enamel containing fluoroapatite becomes more resistant to dissolution by acids. Secondly, in normal course, the enamel gets demineralized by contact with food acids and demineralization occurs to ensure that enamel structure is maintained.

Topical application of fluoride enhances demineralization and maintains the integrity of the enamel. Lastly, fluoride inhibits glycolysis and then reduces acid formation from sugars on the teeth, helping to prevent enamel demineralization and tooth decay. For these reasons, fluoride is considered as a beneficial element for humans, but it is not an essential element. Drinking water fluoride levels of 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L is considered safe. Levels above this can cause several health risks and should be avoided.


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