Define dietary modifications in the diet of the elderly, Biology

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Define Dietary modifications in the diet of the elderly?

Loss of teeth due to increased decay of teeth and gums is common in aged person. Fitting dentures may also make chewing difficult. A change in the texture and method of food preparation is recommended. Consequently, well cooked and soft meals must be included in the diet. Care must be taken to avoid too much of soft carbohydrate-rich foods and include foods that provide nutrients such as vitamins, proteins and minerals like calcium.

  1. There is decreased secretion of saliva, which makes swallowing difficult. Therefore, soups, vegetables with gravies, curds or raitas, dals should be included in the meals and very dry meals should be avoided.
  2. Gastric acidity decreases in a large percentage of old people. Peptic, tryptic, amylolytic and biolytic activities of the digestive secretions are decreased. Reduced acid secretion and muscle weakness leads to delayed oesophageal emptying, poor tolerance to fat, distention, flatulence and constipation. A liberal intake of fibre and fluid (at least 8 glasses of water or non alcoholic caffeine free beverages) should be consumed by an elderly .person to facilitate the digestion process. Roughage in the form of tender vegetables and fruits is beneficial against the problem of constipation.
  3. Protective foods (fruits/vegetables) must be included in the diet of elderly. Every effort must be made in order to incorporate these in the daily diet.
  4. Impaired absorption of iron and calcium may occur because of hypochlorhydria (decreased stomach acidity). This may lead to anaemia and may contribute to osteoporosis. Iron and calcium-rich food stuff should be included in the daily dietary intake.
  5. Elderly people also have to make a conscious effort of drinking water in order to remain well hydrated especially in warm climate. This happens because of a reduced thirst mechanism with increase in age. This also helps to overcome the problem of constipation, which is a very common complaint during this age.
  6. The energy intake should be sufficient to maintain normal weight without leading to obesity or weight loss. Under nutrition is undesirable and obesity may predispose an elderly person to diabetes, coronary heart disease, gout and other degenerative disorders.
  7. Small meals at frequent intervals should be consumed. Fats, oils, refined cereals and sweets should be consumed by the elderly. Dietary fat, if poorly tolerated may be reduced.
  8. Elderly need more calcium, iron, zinc, antioxidant nutrients (ß carotene, vitamin E and C) to prevent age-related diseases. Inadequate diets of the elderly may need to be supplemented with pharmaceutical nutritional supplements.
  9. The likes, dislikes and food preferences of the elderly should be considered while meal planning.
  10. Among elderly who suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertensions or heart disease, further dietary modifications may be required.
  11. Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking should be avoided.

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