Cyrus the great after consulting the delphic oracle, History

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1 The leader of the Lydians who fell to Cyrus the Great after consulting the Delphic Oracle was
A) Croesus. B) Cambyses. C) Miltiades. D) Astyages. E) Darius.

2 Mohenjo-daro was
A) located in Lanka B) one of the two main cities of the Harappan society. C) built on a mountain plateau D) in the Ganges River Valley E) the main divinity of the Dravidian peoples

3 The world's first complex, urban-based civilization(as far as we currently know)was developed in the southern Mesopotamian land of
A) Sumer. B) Assyria. C) Akkad D) Babylonia. E) Palestine.

4 The "mandate of heaven"
A) gave the Chinese emperors unlimited power. B) created the notion of the Chinese emperors as gods. C) positioned China as a theocracy ruled by priests. D) was a device created by the Duke of Zhou to confer legitimacy on the new dynasty. E) originated with the Indo-Europeans before they reached China.

5 The "Period of the Warring States" refers to the
A) period of disunity before Xia unification. B) political disunity during the Qin dynasty. C) last chaotic centuries of the Zhou dynasty. D) conquest of later Shang emperors by the rising Zhou military forces. E) early war between China and India.

6 The Huang He (Yellow River) River was given the nickname
A) Old Man River. B) China's Sorrow. C) Mandate of Heaven D) Yellow Terror. E) China's Father.

7 Satrapies were
A) very wealthy Persian landowners B) Arabian merchants. C) Persian cities. D) Achaemenid cabinet ministers. E) Persian administrative units
Which pharaoh tried, unsuccessfully, to transform Egypt into a monotheistic society? A) Akhenaten B) Tuthmosis I C) Tuthmosis I D) Ahmose I E) Menes
8 When the Zhou usurped the position of the Shang kings, they substituted the impersonal principle of _________ forShang-di, the main overarching god of the Shang.
A) reciprocity B) "Tian" or Heaven C) Zhou-di D) eye for an eye E) fairness

9 Some scholars believe that, after the collapse of the Harappan society, Harappan deities eventually
A) were transferred to southwest Asia. B) disappeared completely. C) became more important that ever. D) found a place in early Buddhism. E) survived and found a place in the Hindu pantheon.
10 The leader who, supported by the Roman aristocrats of the Senate, led a slaughter of more than ten thousand "populares" political enemies was
A) Julius Caesar. B) Gaius Marius. C) Tiberius Gracchus D) Gaius Gracchus. E) Lucius Cornelius Sulla.

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