1- Explain the role of theory in cultural anthropology.
2- Distinguish theories from truths and explain why theories need critical review and modification
3- Explain with examples from theories in cultural anthropology, how a theory reflects the biases of its time and place
4- Discuss the central questions of cultural anthropology which have stimulated the development of theories.
5- Discuss Tylor and Morgan\'s theories of cultural evolution. Be sure to reflect their contributions to knowledge as well as their nineteenth century biases.
6- Discuss the American Historical approach of Franz Boas, and why it was introduced
7- Explain Functionalism with reference to Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown. Be sure to show its strengths and weaknesses
8- Explain the Structuralist theory of Levi-Strauss
9- Explain the rapid rise of cultural materialism as a dominant theory with Leslie White, Marvin Harris and others as major theorists
10- Explain how anthropology and psychology combine in the study of culture and personality; key figures are Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead.