Create a program of several prototypes for functions, C/C++ Programming

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In this assignment the main has been written for you in the file phone_book_main.cpp. You will also notice that a class called Person has been declared as having several prototypes for functions. You will define all of these in a file called hw7.cpp.

How the program is supposed to function.

When you first run the program it fills a vector called phone_book with some default values and then outputs the contents of the vector. After this it displays a "menu" where the user can input a number to run a function that will manipulate the phone_book vector in some manner. 1) Add people to the phone book.2) Erase a person from the phone book.3) Sort the phone book.4) Shuffle the phone book.5) Reverse the phone book.6) Print the phone book.7) Look up a person in the phone book.8) Quit.

Add people to the phone book.

Selecting this option runs a function: void add_people(vector&phone_book); This function will ask a user to enter a name or Q to quit. Next it will ask for a phone number. Then the function constructs a person object using the data the user gave and add it to the end of the phone book. Then the user is again told to enter a name or Q to quit and so on.

Erase a person from the phone book

When a user selects this option, it first asks the user for a name (This is done in main so you are not responsible for it) then runs a function: void erase(vector&phone_book, string name); This function finds the entry in the phone book with the corresponding name and then erases it.

Sort the phone book.

Selecting this option runs a function: void sort(vector&phone_book); This function sorts the vector phone_book in lexicographical order using the name entry of the Person class.

Shuffle the phone book.

Selecting this option runs the function: void shuffle(vector&phonebook); This function works much like the shuffle function discussed in class.

Reverse the phone book.

Selecting this option runs the function: void reverse(vector&phonebook); This function reverses the vector.

Print the phone book.

Selecting this option runs the function: void print(vector&phone_book); This function outputs the contents of the vector.

Look up a person in the phone book.

When a user selects this option it first asks the user for a name (This is done in main so you are not responsible for it) then runs a function: int lookup(const vector&phonebook, string name); This function returns the phone number of the Person with the matching name. Once your function returns the phone number to the main it is then outputted to screen. (This is done in main and you are not responsible for it.)

Other instructions

You need to be careful with indices. If someone searches for a person in your phone book who is not there your program should not crash! Your function lookup should return -1, for example, when the user wants to find a phone number for a Person who is not in the phone book.

Helpful hints

  • You are only creating file hw7.cpp and using it in combination with the files phonebook.h and phone_book_main.cpp already provided for you.
  • You CANNOT change the files phonebook.h and phone_book_main.cpp!
  • Your first step should be to get a program that compiles without writing the details of the functions quite yet.
  • You will not be able to compile until all the functions definitions have been written. Write empty function definitions with just return statements where needed.
  • You should write the functions but leave everything inside { } empty except possibly a return statement where needed.
  • Once the program compiles, start filling in the functions inside hw7.cpp
  • You may write helper functions like swap when needed.

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