Country and city life, English

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            A contrast of peace and quiet, freedom, and scenery suggests that city life is not better than country life. When you are in the city, there are thousands of people, which cause noise. In the country, only the noises are of wildlife. I like to shoot guns; the city will not allow firearm discharge. Most cities have large buildings, which block the sun and bright city lights also block the night stars. Country living is very scenic deer, birds and other animals can be seen gracing in open fields.

            First off, City living can be very noisy. If one is in the city, you can hear extreme amounts of noise. Busses and subways tend to be very loud at night. Along with this, the beeping horns and distant sirens make it impossible to have peace and quiet. On the other hand, in the country, know madder what time of the day, it is very peaceful. In the early morning hours birds are chirping, and at night you can hear the cries of hoot owls in the woods. Next door neighbors may also be noisy in apartments, the peace of country living keeps going.

            Not only is the city more noisy and crowded than the country, it also has a great deal of restrictions on residents than does the country. If a person wanted to have a birthday party, the guest may have to park miles down the road to avoid parking tickets. The party must also keep the noise at a minimum. Country birthday parties guests may park in the grass, avoid tickets, and be loud as they would like. Other freedoms of living in the country may be the freedom of target practice with guns. If one was to fire a gun in the city limits, then chances are someone will go to jail. People living in the city also cannot have the simple pleasures as of country civilians: such as a swimming pool, jumping on a trampoline, or having freedom of their back yard. In a city environment there would not be a place for these objects.

Once again, in a suburban area, one awakes in the morning with very little to see. Most people living in larger cities may not have the pleasure of awaking to a majestic sunrise. Being out and away from the tall land marks this is not an issue. Country arousers are greeted with a beautiful horizon; in the distant the sun creeps over a mountain top as the fog rises from the green valley below. As night falls in the city it seems to never die. Bright city lights block out the beautiful star lit sky. The country is full of nice scenery. The deer and other animals are grazing in the pasture. While in the city an occasional pigeon may set on a power line.

            From a personal experience, living in the city has many disadvantages over the country. Many people have their own opinion, although I enjoy the peace and relaxation from the country. Whether it is peace, freedom, or the environment many people will agree. The country provides a nice place to live and enjoy life.

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