Convert coordinate - c++ program, C/C++ Programming

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Convert coordinate:

class rect{

                private :

                float  x,y;


                public :

                void  input()


                cout <<"enter rect coords\n";

                cin >> x>> y>>"\n";


                void output()


                                cout << x<<"\n" << y;


                rect ()//dummy consructor



                rect (float a,float b)//constructor





                }; //end of class


                class polar {

                private :

                float r,q;


                public :

                void input()


                cout <<"enter polar coords\n";




                void output()


                cout << r<


                operator rect();

                };//end of class


       polar :: operator rect()


                                float a=r*cos(22*q/(7*180));

                                float b=r*sin(22*q/(7*180));

                                return rect(a,b);//calling constructor inbuild that it will

                                                                 //return rect type


    void main()



    rect a;

    polar p;







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