Conclusions and recommendations , Operation Research

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Conclusions and Recommendations 

Conclusions  should  be drawn with  direct  reference to the objectives  of the study. The  readers should  be able  to read the objectives. Turn  to the conclusions section and find  specific conclusions relative to each objectives. If  as sometimes  happens the  study  does  not obtain  satisfactory data from which  t draw  a conclusion relative  to an objective this  should  be acknowledged  rather  than disguised.

While  it is almost always necessary  for the  researchers to draw   conclusions, it is not  always  possible  or advisable  for them  to make  recommendations. On occasions the researcher may  be specifically  ask not  to make  recommendations. In other  situations  where  the researcher have  worked o one  problem but have limited  knowledge of the  company background  and general  operating  policies. They would  be unwise to  recommends  definite  courses  of action  even if  asked  to  do so. Making recommendation assumes  considerable knowledge of the total  picture including  the  resources  of the firm and all  the alternative  course  of action. Often research  workers  do not  have this  knowledge.


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