Compute depth of yielding in the hollow shaft:
A solid shaft 80 mm diameter is solid for a certain length from one end but hollow for the remaining length along inner diameter of 40 mm. If a pure torsion is applied such that yielding occur at the surface of the solid part of the shaft. Compute:
(1) the depth of yielding in the hollow shaft, and
(2) the ratio of the angles of twist per unit length.
τ = Shear stress at yield point.
Torsion in the solid shaft =τ × ( π× 803 /16)
T1 =τ × (π× 803 /16) ------------- (1)
For Hollow Shaft
Torsion in the unyielded part
T2 =τ × (π/16 D) (D 4 - 404) ----------- (2)
where D = diameter of the hollow section at which yielding begins.
Torsion in yielded part
= (πτ /12 )(803 - D3 ) -------------- (3)
T1 = T2 + T3
⇒ 803/16 = D4 - 404/16 D + (803 - D3/12)
⇒ 12 × 803 D = ( D4 - 404 ) 12 + 16 D (803 - D3 )
⇒ 6144 × 103 D = 12D4 - 3072 × 104 + 8192 × 103 D - 16 D4
⇒ 4D4 - 2048 × 103 D + 3072 × 104 = 0
⇒ D 4 - 512 × 103 D + 768 × 104 = 0 ----------- (4)

By trial and error, D = 74.8 mm
T / J = τ/ R = G θ/ l
⇒ θ= τl /GR ---------- (5)
θS =2τl / (G × 80) ------ (6)
θH = 2τl / (G × D) --------- (7)
θH/ θS = 80/ D = 80/74.5 = 1.07