compiler design limiting instruction, C/C++ Programming, C/C++ Programming

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Ravi is a newbie to the programming and while learning the programming language he came to know the following rules:

· Each program must start with ''''{'''' and end with ''''}''''.

· Each program must contain only one main function. Main function must start with ''''<'''' and end with ''''>''''.

· A program may or may not contain user defined function(s). There is no limitation on the number of user defined functions in the program. User defined function must start with ''''('''' and end with '''')''''.

· Loops are allowed only inside the functions (this function can be either main function or user defined function(s)). Every loop must start with ''''{'''' and end with ''''}''''.

· User defined function(s) are not allowed to be defined inside main function or other user defined function(s).

· Nested loops are allowed.

· Instructions can be any where inside the program.

· Number of Instructions in any program should not be more than 100.

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