Common concepts of object oriented, C/C++ Programming

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Object Oriented Programming Paradigm:

For OOP, Paradigm is a standard set.  The OOP will help to develop software in modules,

which will be integrated later as a full package or software.  The main difference between C and C++ is; C++ is an extension of C with extra features like class, encapsulation, object, polymorphism, inheritance, etc.

Common Concepts of Object Oriented Programming:  Class:

Class is an entity where a set of algorithm can be wrapped inside that class.


Object is a variable of type class. There can any number of objects of similar class.

Data Abstraction and Encapsulation:

Integrating data within a class is called encapsulation.  The data may be derived through

Primary functions and data type.  The data inside the class is also called as data members.  The members can be accessed only through class.  Class is an abstract data type (ADT).  Abstraction is known as attributes of the member without screening any details of the data.


Inheritance is processing of creating a new class from the original class or existing class.

The inherited class will have all the attributes of the original call.   In addition to the existing attributes in the original class the inherited class can have its own features embedded to it.  The good example of inheritance exists in the real life.  Grandfather-father-child.  The father will have some quality or character of grandfather and the child will have some quality of father and grandfather.


It is defined as many processes done by the similar function.   Example function of a

college student can be a polymorphism because he study, eat, sleep and play.  Similarly in OOP a function can be defined to do different work depending upon the number and type of arguments in the function.  The functions with same name but with different arguments can be generated in OOP.  Since similar function name is used to do different job the function is overloaded, which is called overloading of function, which is a feature of polymorphism.

Dynamic Binding:

It is depend on procedure in a class or function.  Depending upon the value passed to the

function in the class, the function work consequently.  It may look like polymorphism but is not polymorphism.

Message Passing:

It is calling the function  in a class.    The function  inside a class should be referred or

identified only through the class.

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