Classification of advertising, Marketing Management

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Classification of Advertising

1.       Advertising may be bordaly classified from the points of view businneesaims coverage users and nature of appeal this is condensed in a chart below:

2.       Primary demand advertising: where advertising is aimed at introducing a product or service which has been newly developed or invented, it is known as primary demand advertising. Such advertisnment are directed towards a class of customers for products like cars, washing machines, refrigetators, T.V. or watches. This is also described as selective demand advettising.

3.       Product or instituitional advertising: where advertising seeks to in on the popular brand of a product. Such as Dalda, Amul milk or butter, Red label Brooke bond Tea, it is called product advertising. On the other hand, where it is aimed at capitalizing on the name of the manufacturer, who is reputed to produce quality goods, such as Tata, D.C.M., Bombay dyeing, Bajaj, it is known as instituitional advertising. The product advertising is also called selective or brand advertising. Instituitional advertising is sponsored by the producer or manufacturer. Its purpose is to create goodwill towards the instituition. This may be classified into three heads like patronage advertising, public relations advertising, and public service advertising.

4.       Co -operative advertising: where advertising is sponsored jointly by the manufactures, wholesalers or dealers and its cost is borne by them, it is co -operative advertising. This type of advertisement is found in the case of products like electric fans, T.V. sets, etc.

5.       Commercial advertisement: where advertising at aims at increasing the sales of any product or service, it becomes business or commercial advertising. It may be selective depending upon the product types such as firm products, professional doctors, engineers, and accountants also fall under this classification.

6.        Non -commercial advertisement: this is undertaken by the charitable instituitions for raising public donations or funds to meet certain special purposes.

Classification on the basis of coverage:

1.       Local advertising: the advertising circulated to a defined area in local advertising.

2.       National advertising: National advertising, meant for the entire nation, is limited within the boundaries of a country.

3.       International advertising: International advertising covers either the whole globe or contient or a specific foreign country.   

Classification on the basis of users:

1.       Consumers advertising: Consumers advertising is advertising directed at the ultimate household customers or actual consumers or the users.

2.       Industrial advertising: Industrial advertising relating to the products which are usually consumed by the industries are called Industrial advertising.

3.       Trade advertising: the Trade advertising relates to a particular trade of wholesaler or retailing.  

Classification on the basis of appeals:

1.       Direct or indirect action advertising: the Direct or indirect action advertising stresses and persuades immediate buying of the product is known as direct action advertising. Advertising for the consumer goods may achieve immediate action to a large extent. As against this, a higher price item, which is not purchased frequently such as motor car, TV, etc., an indirect action advertising is done with a view to create a favourable attitude towards the manufacturer's product.

2.       Rational advertising: this advertising explains the medical quality or the characteristics of the product.

3.       Emotional advertising: it tries to create an image of the product by investigating emotionl feelings. For example, advertismnet of the lux soap explaining how the housewife would look like a glamouras movie star is an emotional advertising. 

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