Check prime number using vb script, Visual Basic Programming

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<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">




Function IsPrime(str)

str=trim(str) Dim bln,ctr bln=true ctr=1


IsPrime=false exit function end if

if(cint(str)=1 or cint(str)=2 or cint(str)=3)then

IsPrime=true exit function end if

for ctr=cint(str)-1 to 2 step -1 if(cint(str)mod(ctr)=0)then

bln=false end if next


End Function

Function IsEven(str) str=trim(str) if(str="0")then IsEven=true

exit function

end if if(cint(str)mod(2)=0)then IsEven=true

else IsEven=false end if

End Function

Sub mysub()


if not(isnumeric(str))then msgbox "Not numeric value" exit sub

end if

if(rad(0).checked)then if(IsEven(str))then msgbox "Yes this is even" else

msgbox "No it is not " end if

Exit sub

end if

if(rad(1).checked)then if(IsEven(str))then

msgbox "No it is not odd number"


msgbox "Yes it is odd number" end if

Exit sub end if

if(rad(2).checked)then if(IsPrime(str))then

msgbox "Yes it is prime number"


msgbox "No it is not a prime number" end if

Exit sub end if

End Sub





<P> Even

<INPUT type=radio name="rad" checked value="even"> Odd

<INPUT type=radio name="rad" value="odd"> Prime

<INPUT type=radio name="rad" value="prime">


<P><INPUT id=text1 name=text1></P>

<P><INPUT id=button1 type=button value=Button name=button1

LANGUAGE=javascript onclick="mysub()"></P>



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