Q. For the program given below, calculate the values of software science measures like ?, N, V, E and λ.
int. sort (int x[], int n)
int i, j, save, im1;
/*This function sorts array x in ascending order*/
If (n<2) return 1;
for (i =2; i<=n;i++)
for (j=1;j<=im;j++)
if (x[i]
Save = x[i];
x [i]=x[j];
x [j]=save;
return 0;
This list of operators as well as operands is given in Table.

Here N1=53 and N2=38. The program length N =N1+N2=91
Vocabulary of the program ? = ? 1+ ? 2=14+10=24
Volume V=Nxlog2 ?
=91x log2 24=417 bits.
The estimated program length N of the program
=14 log214+10 log210
Conceptually unique input as well as output parameters are represented by ? *2.
? *2=3 {x: array holding the integer to be sorted. This is used both as input and output}.
{N: the size of the array to be sorted}.
The potential volume V*=5 log2 5=11.6
Since L=V*/V
Estimated program level

We may use another formula
Vˆ* = VxLˆ
= 417x0.038 = 15.67
The discrepancy between V* and Vˆ * doesn't inspire confidence in the application of this portion of software science theory to more complicated programs.
E=V/ Lˆ = Dˆ x V
= 417/0.038=10973.68
Consequently 10974 elementary mental discriminations are required to construct the program.