Calculate the cubic volume of crushed stone, Civil Engineering

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Calculate the Cubic Volume of Crushed Stone

A symmetrical running track is being constructed in the configuration and dimensions as shown.  The cubic volume (CY) of crushed stone is most nearly:

369_Calculate the cubic volume of crushed stone.png

Solution: Since the running track is symmetrical, consider the computation steps to be the surface area of the circular ends and arrange the equations for the outside circular area minus the inside circular area, effectively a "donut" shape.

Circular area of the outer and inside circles:

AOut = p 242 = 1809.56-ft2

AIn = p 122 = 452.39-ft2

Anet = 1809.56-ft2 - 452.39-ft2 = 1357.17-ft2

ATrack = (2) (12-ft) (250-ft) = 6000-ft2

ASurface = 1357.17-ft2 + 6000-ft2 = 7357.17-ft2

VStone = 7357.17-ft2 x 6-in = 136.24-yd3


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