Bubble sort c program, C/C++ Programming

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Bubble sort C program:

Write a program to define a bubble sort.

void main()



  int a[100],ch,n;

  cout<<"enter the limit for the array : ";


  for (int i=0;i


                cout<<"enter element "<




                cout<<"1. bubble sorting"<





void bsort(int a[100],int n)



   int i,j,ch2,t;

   cout<<"1. ascending order "<

   cout<<"2. descending order "<

   cout<<" your choice : ";




                case 1 : for (i=0;i


                                 for (j=0;j


                                                if (a[j] > a[j+1])









                case 2 : for (i=0;i


                                 for (j=0;j


                                                if (a[j] < a[j+1])









   default : cout<<" wrong choice ";


                 cout<<" sorted arrays by bubble "<<"\n\n";

                 for (i=0;i







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