Biology in dispelling myths and misbeliefs, Biology

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Varieties of myths still exist in our society, and can be removed by the knowledge of Biology. Some of these are-

1.       Snakes are said to hypnotize its prey or have photograph of its killer drawn in its eye, this is because they have immovable transparent eyelid and its prey gets frozen out of fear.

2.       Snakes cannot hear air borne sound hence it doesn't follow the music of flute of snake charmer.

3.       It is a misconception that snake sucks milk from the teats of cattle.

4.       Carnivorous plants like, Dionaea (venus fly trap), Nepenthes (pitcher plants), Drosera (sundew), Utricularia (bladderwort) are not man eaters. They lure their live prey (insects) with odours and direct them for trapping.

5.       People consider 'small pox' as the curse of 'Sheetla Mata' and don't accept any medicine for it.

6.       The concept of 'soul' on an ill person and its removal through 'ojha-guni' is still continuing in our society.

7.       AIDS patient facing social boycott due to the myth that disease can spread through simple contact or sharing food.

8.       Omens like tingling in of a particular palm is said to bring money although it's because of irregularity in functioning of some nerves; and Sneezing while starting some work is an indication of failure although it is meant for expelling pulmonary irritants.

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