Binary search tree, JAVA Programming

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You will be required to create an ADT for a Binary Search Tree ( The interface will be implemented as a Binary Search Tree (BST) using a reference based format. The implementation of the BST will be used in an application called WordTracker that reads text files and collects and stores all the unique words it finds in those files. The BST will be able to store information from multiple text files. It will also keep track of each occurrence of a word in a file and the line on which it was found in that file. This information will be stored in a double-linked list for each word object stored in the BST. The program will also produce output, specified by the user at command line, to generate reports using a variety of iterators built into the BST.


1. Write a binary search tree ADT interface ( and its reference based implementation (, JUnit should be used to test the implementation of the Binary Search Tree.

2. Write a cross-reference program (, which constructs a binary search tree with all words included from a text file (supplied at the command line) and records the line numbers on which these words were used. The line numbers should be stored on linked lists associated with the file names, which in turn are associated with the nodes of the tree.

3. Using Java serialization techniques, store the tree in a binary file (repository.ser). Make sure you insert the class version UID to ensure the backward compatibility with your repository should the class specification change with future enhancements.

4. Every time the program executes, it should check if the binary file (repository.ser) exists, and if so, restores the words tree. The results of the scanning the next file are to be inserted in the appropriate nodes of the tree. Therefore, repository.ser will contain all words occurred in all files scanned with the meta information about those word locations.

5. The user should be able to specify 3 mutually exclusive options:

a) -pf to print in alphabetic order all words along with the corresponding list of files in which the words occur

b) -pl to print in alphabetic order all words along with the corresponding list of files and numbers of the lines in which the word occur

c) -po to print in alphabetic order all words along with the corresponding list of files, numbers of the lines in which the word occur and the frequency of occurrence of the words.

6. The user should be able to redirect the report in part 5 to a file with an additional option -f filename.

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