Assignment, C/C++ Programming

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(RationalNumber Class) A rational number is a number that can be represented as the quotient of two
integers. For example, 1/3, 5/7, 7/2, and so forth are rational numbers (By 2/1, etc., we mean the
everyday meaning of the fraction, not the integer division this expression would produce in a C++
program.) In general a rational number is represented as a/b where a and b are the numerator and
the denominator, respectively, and the denominator does not equal to 0.
Suppose a/b and c/d are rational numbers. Arithmetic operations on rational numbers are defined
by the following rules:
a / b + c / d = (ad + bc) / bd
a / b - c / d = (ad - bc)/bd
a / b x c / d = ac / bd
(a / b) / (c / d) = ad / bc, where c / d ? 0
Rational numbers are compared as follows: a/b op c/d if ad op bc, where op is any of the
relational operations. For example, a/b < c/d if ad < bc.
In this exercise, define a class named as RationalNumber. Suppose x, y, and z are objects of type
RationalNumber. The class RationalNumber
? Includes private member variables
o numerator and denominator of type int.
o str of type char*. This member variable is a C string with the format
and is managed by new and delete.
? Includes a member function reduction to normalize the values stored so that, after any
operation (construction, initialization, assignment, any arithmetic operations, etc), the greatest
common divisor (gcd) of numerator and denominator is 1. For example, after reduction, 21/14
becomes 3/2, i.e., the values of numerator and denominator are 3 and 2, respectively, and
str is a C string “3/2”.
? Includes a constructor where the default values of the numerator and the denominator are 0
and 1, respectively.
? Includes a copy constructor, which performs deep copy of class member variables.
? Overloads the stream extraction (>>) and stream insertion (<<) operators.
o If the input is 4/6, the statement “cin >> x;” would store 2/3 into object x.
o If x is 2/3, the statement “cout << x;” would output “2/3” to stdout.
? Overloads the assignment operator (=), and the following arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /.
o For example, the statement “cout << x + y << endl;” sends the resulting value
of x + y in rational number format to stdout.
o For example, the statement “z = x + y;” assigns the sum of x and y into z in
rational number.
? Overloads the following operators: ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=.
Write a driver program called testRationalNumber.cpp to test each of the above functions and
overloaded operators in the RationalNumber class.
Additional requirements: 2

? Include your first name in output and screenshot.
? Add “const” to appropriate formal parameters, and member/nonmember functions.
? State purpose, pre-conditions, and post-conditions for each function.
? Add proper comments to code.
? Check boundary and error conditions without crash.
Turn in the following as separate files:
? RationalNumber.h: class declaration
? RationalNumber.cpp: class implementation
? testRationalNumber.cpp: driver program
? Screenshots of output

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