Ascertaining demand - library management, Other Management

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Ascertaining Demand:

The methodology to be followed in ascertaining users' needs have been discussed in detail, in Unit 5 under Sec 5.2 Users' Studies of this Block 2. In addition, the present and future programmes (teaching / instructional, research, etc) to be supported, core periodicals in the subjects concerned, preference of users for particular journal titles, etc may influence the demand for periodicals by users. The following criteria have been recommended for the selection of periodicals: 

•  Recommendations by subject specialists 

•  Recommendations of library staff  

•  Opinions of fellow librarians 

•  Indents made by individual users 

•  Announcements and reviews about new journals 

•  Findings of users studies 

•  Findings of bibliometric and citation studies. 

Based on the points / factors  mentioned above, the individual library should formulate its own selection policy which should serve as a guide to the collection librarian in selecting periodicals appropriate to the needs of users.  

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