Array implementation of a circular queue, Data Structure & Algorithms

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A circular queue can be implemented through arrays or linked lists. Program 6 gives the array implementation of any circular queue.

Program 6: Array implementation of any Circular queue

include "stdio.h"

void add(int);

void deleteelement(void);

int max=10;         /*the maximum limit for queue has been set*/

static int queue[10];

int front=0, rear=-1; /*queue is initially empty*/

void main()


int choice,x;

printf ("Enter # for insertion & $ for removal of front the queue and * for exit");

printf("Enter your choice");


switch (choice)


case 1 :

printf ("Enter element for insertion in queue:");




case 2 :





void add(int y)


if(rear == max-1)

rear = 0;


rear = rear + 1;

if( front == rear && queue[front] != NULL)

printf("Queue Overflow");


queue[rear] = y;


void deleteelement()


int deleted_front = 0;

if (front == NULL)

printf("Error - Queue empty");



deleted_front = queue[front];

queue[front] = NULL;

if (front == max-1)

front = 0;


front = front + 1;



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