Apply relevant legislation and guidance - law, Other Subject

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Jim and Maureen Stewart live with their two children, Hamish aged 11 and Alexandra aged 13, in a council owned property within an inner London borough. Jim has a long standing diagnosis of schizophrenia and it is reported that in the past he has exhibited erratic, disinhibited, inappropriate and sometimes aggressive behaviours linked to drug and alcohol misuse. Jim has also spent periods of time in prison; the most recent spell ending six months ago. Maureen and the children have always stood by Jim; stating that he was a loving father and husband and that they could cope with any of the issues his illness may bring up, as these incidents are few and far between.

A concerned neighbour has now made simultaneous referrals to both the children's referral and assessment team and the Community Mental Health Team concerning Jim's recent behaviour. Jim has been seen to be going around his house naked for the past few days, irrespective of whether his children are present or not. Loud music is being played all day long and there is constant shouting and screaming from both Jim and Maureen. The previous night the neighbour also heard what he thought to be the sound of crockery being hurled against the wall and smashed.

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