Applications of optical fibres, Science

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Applications of Optical Fibres:

Fibre optics finds many applications in areas like medicine and communications which we will briefly describe. We will also discuss  its advhtage over tradifional  technologies. Viewing inaccessible regions Instruments made of optical fibres, called endoscopes, are used to see the internal organs of  the human body, such as the interior of the stomach, or the bronchial tubes. Inserted into the body, some fibres of the bundle carry light so that the internal organ is lit up. Other fibres are used to return light so that the image of the interior is canied to the observer outside.

Endoscopes are often connected to a camera or TV  monitor. Since  these fibres are very fine, they can be  irrAerted easily in  the body. The images are very useful in heart and brain surgery and ia diagnosis of some other diseases. Freeing crowded cableways The use of aptical fibres has been very adkantageous in  telecommunications. Signals of voice, text, computer data or picture transmissions are superimposed on laser beams. The , modulated laser beams are then guided along optical fibres,  to various points where they are received. At the receiving end, one is able to hear the voice, read the data or see the picture (Fig). The signal carrying capacity of light waves is much greater than that of radio waves or waves along copper wires. Therefore,  the light waves travelling in fibres can carry thousands of different signals. For instance, a pair of glass fibres can carry 1300  telephone calls at the same time, as against 24 for copper wires.  


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The  use of laser beams  in optical  fibres enables the transmission of  signals  for  thousands  of kilometres. Transatlantic undersea fibre-optic cables have been in use for ~ommunication between  USA and UK. Instead of being broadczst  from antennas, TV programrnek can now be  transmitted through  fibre-optic cables.

The cable TV can, thus, make available several channels to the viewer. Freliminary experiments on  the use of  fibre-optic technology  in  India are being done so that we can also take adtantage of  this technology  in  the coming years. Indian  research laboratories have already developed the  technology of producing  the special glass, drawing fibres from  it and giving it a special coating so  that internal reflection takes place with a minimum toss.  Indian industry  is now manufacturing optical fibres. The fibre optics technology has many advantages over the traditional  technology. An optical fibre cable, the size of  an ordinary electrical cord, can replace copper cable hundreds of times thicker. Optical fibres are light and sturdy. They  are much less expensive  than copper wes  for  the amouvt of  information they carry. Because optical  fibres carry light beams, they are free from the disturbances. wch as you hear on  the radio due to nearby electric disturbances. Fibre-optic communication  is also advanrapeous for military  communication because it cannot be "jammed"  

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