Analyzing on human resources-bonuses for performance , HR Management

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Section 1: Using Metrics in Human Resources

Course Resources
The Resources area for this course contains a variety of reference materials that will help you to complete the course activities. It is suggested that you become familiar with these resources before you begin the activities.

Activity 1:   Paper - Metrics Defined    

Critique Metric Measurement Tools
Every organization gathers data and information. More importantly, metrics are adding to determine value of HR by demonstrating the value-added contributions of the HRM functions to an organization. 

Write a paper analyzing what you believe to be the most important issues in identifying and measuring Human Resource Management related organizational data. In your analysis, critique a minimum of five metric measurement sources which will provide HR related data within the organization. Examples of metrics would be such sources as turnover data, cost of hire, health care costs per employee, absence rate, and others. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of using each of these sources as a measurement tool. 

Include an assessment of the perspectives of managers toward these five sources. For example, are managers inclined to view these five data sources as sound measures of HR's effectiveness? Support your analysis based on current research incorporating at least three (3) journal articles or publications into your response. 

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Section 2: Driving Performance with Metrics

The use of metrics is an important factor in measuring performance. Job standards are normal metrics. Goals and objectives may also be used as metrics. Quality and quantity metrics can also be applied to measuring performance.

Activity 3:   Paper - Bonuses for Performance    

Argue For or Against Pay Based Performance Rewards
Think about the ways that organizations attempt to motivate positive worker behaviors. Various incentives may be used including one-time monetary bonuses, profit sharing, among other rewards. Pay for performance is also a popular incentive to motivate workers. However, the question is whether a metric system demonstrates the effectiveness of a pay for performance based program.

One important consideration is to differentiate between the salaried and hourly workers. These classifications represent different working conditions in an organization. One must understand if each of these employee levels has a true "impact" on the actual performance that is measured. For instance, is it possible to measure the extent to which a customer service representative influences customer satisfaction? Or, it is more important to know how many contacts this customer service representative has during a typical working day? Of the two measures, is one more important than the other? 

Based on this example, analyze the role of measurement in considering whether performance bonuses should be given for the extent of satisfaction or merely the number of contacts. Does the employee's status of salaried or hourly impact this measurement? Write a paper assessing the different arguments that support or discourage the use of pay for performance bonuses for salaried and hourly employees of an organization. Include your rational in this assessment. Support your evaluation with various perspectives and at least three (3) scholarly resources.

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Activity 4:   Paper - Driving Performance in the New Millennium    

Evaluate the Importance of Metric Use in the Future
The fundamental key to improvement is identifying the proper metrics, researching comparable industry standards, establishing a baseline, and then measuring performance against both industry and organizational standards. These are not necessarily simple tasks. When done properly, these can be highly motivational processes for all involved; these processes could also be deemed "the fad of the month" when implemented incorrectly. 

Write a paper hypothesizing how identifying, implementing, measuring, and reporting on organizational metrics will be important over the next decade. Your theories need to assess future trends in measurement. In addition, analyze such topics as: What specifically must be measured? What items must be changed or avoided? What measurements may evolve within major HR functions? Evaluate how managers in organizations should utilize these trends in enhancing the overall performance of their organizations. Support your conclusions with references from at least three (3) scholarly journal articles.

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Section 3: Data and Information

Organizational leaders as well as HR professionals struggle with the concept of data versus information. Are these terms interchangeable? If not, how are they differentiated? Managers must also be familiar with the gray areas between data and information. Some will argue that these terms are inseparable synonyms. Ultimately, organizational leaders need to make these important decisions.

Activity 5:   Paper - Data or Information?   

Compare and Contrast Data and Information
Though some may dispute the concept, there are distinct differences between data and information. Think about the differences and similarities. Is this just a function of semantics?

Compare and contrast the concepts of data and information in a paper. Investigate the important components of each concept to assess the differences and similarities between the two. Report examples from the literature which demonstrate the utilization of each of these terms. 

For example, organizational informational systems may indicate the differences between the two concepts. HR functions may also demonstrate the differences or similarities. Review recent research articles and applications that evaluate these components. For example, assessing Human Resource Information Systems may reveal how data and information are utilized by managers. Support your response with references from at least three (3) scholarly journal articles.

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Activity 6:   Paper - Driving What is Important  

Validate the Reporting of Data and Information
A major question when collecting information is: What is behind the information? Managers need to determine what is to be measured and how measurements will improve the organization. Reflect on ways to collect, analyze, and report the data so that managers and HR personnel may improve efficiency standards.

Write a paper analyzing Human Resource Information Systems. Specifically address how to identify, collect, and report data and information that is important for major HR functions. In addition, validate which data and information should be reported to senior managers for decision making purposes. Assess the ways that senior management can utilize data and information in planning the future direction of the organization. Support your conclusions with examples and applications from organizations effectively utilizing these metrics along with references from at least three (3) scholarly journal articles. 

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Section 4: The Global Influence

The demands on businesses today require that appropriate reports are available when needed and that they are fully accessible to appropriate staff - whether in the office just across the hallway or the office on the other side of the globe. The information must be accurate, useable, and fully explain any issues, problems, or situations. This level of effective maintenance can be challenging with staff members or departments located within various geographical areas.

Activity 7:   Presentation - Using Global Strategies    (15 Points)  11 May 2012 Due Date

Recommend Improvements Using Global Information
In this global economy, organizations must review various aspect to gather information in order to make sound decisions for the overall success of the company. Think about global challenges and the way these influence the need for information and the perception that old ways will not carry organizations into the 21st century. 

Based on the required readings, additional journal articles that you find using the Northcentral Library, and your own practical experience, prepare a PowerPoint presentation highlighting your expertise in collecting, verifying, reporting, and using global information for the improvement of corporations across the world. Additionally, your presentation should include your recommendations for enhancing the programs within your organization (either actual or hypothetical) along with the Human Resources Management function.

Do not worry about including fancy graphics or transitions: the company president is looking for substance rather than style. Support your presentation with references from at least three (3) scholarly journal articles.

Incorporate "speaker notes" for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information. Upload the completed assignment in the Activities area of the course.

Activity 8:   Signature Assignment  

Signature Assignment
This assignment requires an analysis of the selected benchmarking metrics in organizations and the human resource function in particular within your hypothetical or actual organization. 

The Institute of Management & Administration lists over 550 measures and benchmarks for human resource departments; the Saratoga Institute, a division of Price, Waterhouse, Coopers, lists over 600 measures and benchmarks for organizations and the human resource department in particular. Based on the concepts learned in this course, research available data and choose five measures or benchmarks that you deem essential to improving an organization. Additionally, choose five that you feel are not necessary at all. Provide your argumentation and rationale for all of your choices clearly and cohesively.

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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