Analytical Estimating
This technique of work measurement is used to determine the time values for jobs having long and non repetitive operations. The time values are determine by using synthetic data or on the basis of the past experience of the work study engineer when no synthetic or standard data is available. It is essential that the estimator must have adequate experiences of estimating motion study time study and the use of standard data ( or synthesizes time standards.)
Procedure or Analytical Estimating
The various steps involves are:
1. Find out the job details such as job dimension standard procedure to do the job and the job conditions such as poor illumination high temperature, hazardous environments available of jigs fixture or tools etc,
2. Break the job in to its elements,
3. Select time values from the standard data catalogue for as many elements as possible ( i ,e, use synthetic data wherever available)
4. Estimate the time values for the remaining elements ( for which synthetic data is not available )from past knowledge and experience,
5. Add the time values obtained by steps ( 3)and (4) to get the total basic or normal time for 100% rating.)
6. Add the appropriate blanket relaxation allowance ( say 10% to 20 % of total normal or basic time) note that in analytical estimating, the relaxation allowance is not added to time values of individual elements. The blanket relaxation allowance depends on the type of the job and the job conditions .
7. Add any other allowance if applicable to arrive at the standard time for the given job.
Advantages of Analytical Estimating Technique
a. Offers the same advantages enjoyed b synthesis method,
b. Helps in planning and scheduling the production,
c. Provides a basis for fixing the labor rate for non repetitive jobs.
d. Steps to improve labor control.