Analysis on business debt, Business Economics

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1.Randy Johnson made a decision to foryo college to worki in the family business/How sure was he that was his right thing to do to work for family?

2 Hal began discussing about ownership an gifting the business in equal % to the sons.

3 Did Jerry really have the experience even though he went to school for management

4 Jerry was making decicions in the company as outside resources within a year form 1999-2000

5 Jerry made another decision without asking other brothers for the bonus for child-owners provided incenticve bonuses rather then just the founders

6 Randy not agreeind that Hal spliting the gifting of business equal to all brother was fair because they did not pay his college

7 Jerry and Randy not agreeing on hiring Jerrys wife was faire

8 Now ownership if held by Hal more time because he doesnt think its a good idea and right time for nowto split it.

9 The longer Hal waited to gift his ownership, the higher the value of the company and the higher the tax implications

10 In 2003, tension between Jerry and Randy reached a new low-point as Randy physically threatened Jerry leaving the family divided and concerned

11. Jerry wanted to have an outside company provide the structure that the company so badly needed and the ideas had to come from outsiders for Randy to buy-in.

12. The consultants finished their project, charging $50,000 for the project, and the company did not execute a single part of the plan.

13. Philip is now talking about leaving his shares to his nieces and nephews as part of his estate.

14. $1 million expansion project that has left the company with record debt and dwindling cash flow.


1 Hal should have hired other people back when he was 62 and not have his sons get involved in the comapny

2 When it was time for him to retire sell the company nad split the money the % he wanted to

3 Because Rndy did not go to schools ho's fault is it that Hal and the sons made a decision of paying him 100,000

4 The company now is on debt because the conflict they had inside and they were more focus on spliting the ownership on what % then serving the customers. 

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