Active or moderately active lifestyles - physical activity, Biology

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Define Active or moderately active Lifestyles - physical activity?

These people have occupations that p-e not strenuous in terms of energy demands, but involve more energy expenditure than that described for sedentary lifestyles. Alternatively, they can be people with sedentary occupations who regularly spend a certain amount of .time in moderate to vigorous physical activities, during either the obligatory or the discretionary part of their daily routine. For example, the daily performance of one hour (either continuous or in several bouts during the day) of moderate to vigorous exercise, such as jogging/running, cycling, aerobic dancing or various sports activities. Other examples of moderately active lifestyles are associated with occupations such as servants, house cleaners, masons and construction workers, or rural women in less developed traditional villages who participate in agricultural chores or walk long distances to fetch water and fuel wood.

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