Achieving reforms goals using GIS applications:
GIS could help in achieving the above reforms goals through various applications:
• Creation of consumer database and consumer indexing: Indexing of all the consumers in all categories is essential so that the consumers could be segregated feeder-wise and DT-wise. Consumers are mapped using GIS technology and identified based on their unique electrical address, known as the Consumer Index Number (CIN).
• Mapping of Sub-transmission & Electrical Distribution Network: It is evenly significant to have all the 33 kV substations, 11 kV feeders, DTs and LT feeders digitally mapped and geo-referenced.
• Load Flow Studies: Having completed so, load and consumer profile could be studied and inferences drawn for rectifying imbalances in the network, load analysis in several network segments and load rearrangement.
• Load Forecasting: GIS becomes an effectual tool in optimal design and choice of substation location, future load assessment and load planning demand-side management.
• MIS (Management Information System): Based on inputs from GIS, that is regularly updated and monitored, a robust MIS could be built for analyzing and reducing AT&C losses, improved revenue billing and collection and load demand/supply analysis.