Accounts, C/C++ Programming

Assignment Help:
Write a program to process bank accounts. Create a base class named Account and two derived classes named Savings and Checking. In the base class, use an int AccountNum and a double balance for data members. Also, create an overloaded operator+= function to do deposit and an overloaded operator-= function to do withdraw. The printBalance function is created to print both savings and checking accounts. The account number of new account is automatically generated by the program beginning at account number one.

here is what I have started


using namespace std;

int main()
vector < Checking * > checking(50);
vector < Savings * > savings(50);
int accNumS = 0, accNumC=0;
double bal = 0, amt = 0
int choice

cout<<"Enter one of the following:";
cout<<"1) Create a new Checking Account";
cout<<"2) Create a new Savings Account";
cout<<"3) Make a Deposit for Checking Accoutn(s)";
cout<<"4) Make a Withdrawl for Checking Account(s)";
cout<<"5) Make a Deposit for Savings Account(s)";
cout<<"6) Make a Withdrawl for Savings Account(s)";
cout<<"7) Display all Accounts";
cout<<"8) Exit";
cout<<"Enter Choice: ";

case 1:
cout<<"Enter Balance for Account # "< cin >> bal;
checking[accNumC] = new Checking(accNumC+1, bal);

case 2:
cout<<"Enter Balance for Account # "< cin >> bal;
savings(accNumS) = new Savings(accNumS+1, bal);

case 3:
cout << "Which Checking Account: ";
cin >> acct;
cout <<"Amount of Deposit: ";
cin >> amt ;
(*checking [acct-1]) += amt;

case 4:
cout << "Which Checking Account"
cin >> acct;
cout <<"Amount of Withdrawl: "
cin >> amt;
(*savings[acct-1]) -= amt;

case 5:
cout << "Which Savings Account: ";
cin >> acct;
cout <<"Amount of Deposit: ";
cin >> amt ;
(*savings [acct-1]) += amt;

case 6:
cout <<"Which Savings Account"
cin >> acct;
cout <<"Amount of Withdrawl: ";
cin >> amt ;
(*savings [acct-1]) -= amt;

case 7:

case 8:

default:cout<"Invalid choice";
while(choice != 8);


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