Aacr-2r - rules for choice of heading, Humanities

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In AACR-2R under 'Choice of Name' there are 19 rules of which four are about pseudonyms. Since pseudonyms are dealt with in Unit 12, we will leave these four rules from our discussion here. Of the remaining 15 rules, only five basic rules will be discussed. It is also not necessary to cite the rules ad verbum here. 

The first basic rule is that the name by which an author is commonly known should be chosen 'as the basis of the heading'. For example, 



George Bernard Shaw 

Louis MacNiece 

R.K. Narayan 

The name by which an author is commonly known is determined from the chief sources of information of works by that person. This rule holds good also in the case of persons in a non-verbal context, e.g., painters, engravers, etc. Bibliographies and biographical dictionaries like Books in Print and Who's Who of Indian Writers are obviously such chief sources of information of works. 

Title of nobility or honour, or words or phrases that commonly appear in association with the name are included in the name chosen. Thus, 

Duke of Marlborough 

Sir John Suckling 

Munshi Premchand 

Acharya Rajnish 

Two other rules are about accents and other diacritical marks and hypens. Accents and diacritical marks and hypens in the name are to be retained, e.g., 

John Le Carre 

Charlotte Bronte 

Winifried Gerin 

Ange-Pierre Leca 

The remaining 10 rules are about variations in writing names, change of names, fullness, language and script of names and variant spellings. One common guideline in all these situations is to choose the name by which an author is commonly known or to choose that form of the name in which it is more often written or mentioned. 

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