variable names, MATLAB Programming

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Variable names:

Variable names are an example of the identifier names. The rules for identifier names are as shown below:

(A)The name should begin with a letter of the alphabet. After that, the name can hold digits, letters, and the underscore character (e.g., value_1), but it cannot have a space.

(B)There is a restriction to the length of the name; the built-in function namelengthmax informs how many characters this is.

(C)MATLAB is case-sensitive. That means that there is a distinction between upper- and lowercase letters. Therefore, variables called the mynum; MYNUM, and Mynum are all different.

(D)There are many words known as the reserved words which cannot be used as variable names.

(E)The names of built-in functions can, but must not, be used as variable names.



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