unix script command and echo command, Operating System

Assignment Help:


1.    Login to UNIX system and logout

2.    Learn features of the vi editor and to use online help (main pages).  Gain experience using them to create a document

3.    Know a list of UNIX commands with one line description for each

4.   Learn redirecting standard output (stdout) to a file using the output redirection operator >instead of output going to the monitor, the default device for stdout.

5.   Learn more on UNIX file system such as file attributes (permissions), ownership, links, file size, modification date, and inode number of files, and system directories and files

6.    Gain experience using a set of UNIX commands covered in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4

7.    Learn to transfer files between UNIX system and Windows system and print them

8.    Understand the output of various commands and answer questions

This homework has two parts.  You must complete both parts and submit them together on or before the due date using the UNIX server at the university. 

The answers must be obtained by issuing the necessary UNIX commands on the FSU UNIX server. To capture the output of a UNIX command use the script command as described below:

1. Using scriptcommand lets you record your login session in a file. To start script type the command script and to end the capture, type exit command. The script command creates a file called, "typescript" in your current working directory in your account, if you do not specify any filename with script command as argument. If you want the output to go to a specific filename of your choice, then specify the filename as the argument to script command, like script hw1q1output. Refer your textbook for more information on the use of script command. When you use script command, make sure you (1) type "Enter" key few times to get space between questions, (2) then, issue the echo command to display the question number, like echo hw1q1, (3) type "Enter" key few times to get space after the question number, and then (4) type the required UNIX command(s) for that question. An example is given below for question #1. In this example, $ is the prompt displayed by the Bourne Shell, which processes the UNIX commands you type.
$ echo Q1
$ uname

Every time you type script command, it will erase the current content of the "typescript" file or the filename you specify in the script command. To avoid losing the answers you have obtained so far for one or more questions, you must copy the typescript file into another file using the cp command as shown below:
cp typescript hw1q1to5

wherehw1q1to5 is a filename.

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