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Analytical Assignment Help, Operation Management
Operation Management Assignment Help
>> Analytical
The world in the 21st century is witnessing a significant spurt in activities with the sole objective of enhancing the quality of education system to ensure that every citizen of the world is well educated. Every society has to educate the students and help them become citizens of tomorrow, geared up well to combat new challenges. Rapid changes in social patterns, belief and emerging necessities of newer dimensions are becoming immensely thought-provoking, leaving no place of lacuna in the present outlook, in order to be prepared for tomorrow. It is crucial to see things as a whole for resultant consequences of an educational theory being practiced. People responsible for its implementation have to possess a vision to perceive what are needed, and revamp it to the present day context, managing the change in a progressive way.
We know that to reform a theory practiced widely analytical measures are needed; it is necessary actions for implementing the desirable change should be carried out. However, one serious challenge to this is one’s cultural character of resistance to change. Managing changes in education theories get frequently loaded under political pressure, unreasonably mounting bureaucratic formalities and individual beliefs, and the hidden commitment to self work against accepting such changes. Management of education differs from drawing policies or the framework. It is creating equilibrium between the environment and necessary reform for successful implementation. This is an avenue that is influenced by wide-ranging socio-political, economical and general management factors. The following discussion would highlight the challenges faced in the transitional phase of implementing a change in an organization.
Accomplishing a change in the organization is difficult because identification and demonstration of the need for change is not often obvious. On the previous knowledge of what works effectively and what does not, organizations set up policies, rules and regulations, processes and decision making frameworks which build up a habitual pattern of assumptions, responses, expectations, and attributions. This develops the resistant force to change that is necessary in the later stages for the development of that organization, and the organization goes on following the existent pattern of work habits which may be detrimental to its health and growth. In the words by the time you know where you ought to go, it is too late”.
As much as any other organization, an educational organization also behaves in a similar pattern. Enhancing internal capacity: leadership for learning says- “The sheer magnitude of change should be forcing everyone in schools, and all those working with schools, to be asking themselves: “What, exactly, around us has changed or is changing?” and “What do we need to do to respond to these changes?”
Socially, change is perceived in family structures, where a greater number of women are observed to be working outside their home, with a general increase in the longevity of the people. Globally change has occurred due to a huge population explosion, where ‘the
World’s population exceeded six billion in 1999, with more than half a billion of those living in absolute poverty, including 190 million malnourished children’, technologically, substantial and fast advances almost doubled the knowledge base every four years. Interactive technology has added new meaning to knowledge seeking about things, with a continuous decline in the cost of extensive communication. Economic and work front, introduction of “part-time jobs and ‘portfolio’ careers” is greatly responsible for replacing the initial concept of “the job for life”, encouraging people to ‘work from home’ in different locations. People nowadays in their work sphere can change their occupation as many times as they wish.
The spectacular increase in service and knowledge work has resulted in a sharp decline i ‘unskilled and semi-skilled occupations’. Global mergers of super-companies and the
movement towards creating global economies have led to greater movement amongst countries, raising ‘questions about national borders’.
• Surprisingly, environmental corrosion grows at greater pace, which is worrying enough, and if measures related to sustainability are not considered more seriously, the threat of devastation would ever be on the rise.
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