Reference no: EM13478787
The assessment for this module is by means of an assignment. The assignment is in two parts and both parts must be completed.
PART ONE (limit 2,800 words see guidance on next page)
"The (financial) crisis has prompted regulators to rethink. Led by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, supervisors have been working hard to develop new rules that better capture the interplay between market and credit risk, as well as force banks to improve liquidity risk management."
Madigan, P. (2010) "When market and credit risk collide" Risk Magazine, 7 June 2010 [Online] Available at: -magazine/feature/1652766/when-market-credit-risk-collide
Discuss the extent to which you believe the new rules (revealed in Basel III)in regard toboth credit and market risk measurement and management will assist in avoiding any correlated risks.
Your work should demonstrate an understanding of the common methods employed, giving an indication of their strengths and weaknessesbut, more importantly, consider the effectiveness of these methods in their updated form, as part of an enterprise risk management policy. You should include references to the academic authorities relied upon in support of your discussion.
This task may be carried out for either the Credit Risk or the Market Risk part of the module
Select one of the seminar / workshop sessions for which you had to prepare materials.
Prepare a short portfolio that includes the following:
- A reflective statement (indicative length500 words) setting out why you chose this activity, what you gained from engaging with the session and what you think you have learned as a result. Your statement should be supported by the inclusion of:
- Evidence of the preparation that you undertook for the session (working papers including, for example, notes of the reading plus a list or sources consulted, calculations undertaken or draft report)
- Evidence of your contribution and engagement with the session (for example your presentation, calculations, report or findings taken to the class plus supporting notes taken during the class)
This portfolio should be attached as an appendix to your assignment
(Some basic instruction if required here)
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Please note the following standard assessment provisions:
Important note about ARNA regulations
The regulations specify that students must complete every assessment component contributing to the modules on their programme. This applies to all forms of assessment as defined in the module descriptor. Please note that:
- if any assessment component is not completed, students will be failed in the module even if the module pass mark has been achieved;
- if the requirements for referral specified in section 5 of ARNA are met, a resit opportunity will be given;
- if unable to complete an assessment component because of extenuating circumstances, students should follow the procedure described in the Student Guide to Extenuating Circumstances1.
This change was approved by Academic Board on 12 October 2009 in consultation with the Students' Union. Students should consult their Programme Leader or Guidance Tutor if they have any queries.
ARNA and the Student Guide to Extenuating Circumstances Affecting Assessed Work are available from
Word Count
Students MUST declare the word count at the end of the assignment.
The word count does NOT include the following: citations including direct quotes within quotation marks and information contained in brackets relating to quotations or references, ie (Smith, 2010); abstract; title page; contents page; glossary; tables/figures including headings and labels; reference list; bibliography; or appendices.