Youth league project developing

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133186135


Youth League Project developing, implementing, and sustaining a youth sports league. This project should be structured as a PowerPoint with an accompanying Word document which should include further details. All costs must be documented and included in the project.

Reference no: EM133186135

Questions Cloud

Debate demonstrate polarization of public opinion : How does the handgun control debate demonstrate the polarization of public opinion in america?
How many jeans and cell phones could each country produce : If each country attempted to produce both jeans and cell phones, how many jeans and cell phones could each country produce?
Leadership through implied threats to rival : How would a low-cost price leader enforce its leadership through implied threats to a rival? Provide at least one example of such a strategy?
Economic article about current event : Summary of an economic article about a current event, to be found online in any business publication.
Youth league project developing : Youth League Project developing, implementing, and sustaining a youth sports league
International wage levels : The examples of the East Asia New Industrializing Countries suggests that as international productivities converge, so do international wage levels.
Homeless services environment : Describe in more detail your approach to managing a team of professionals in a complex Homeless Services environment while
Companies prior to contacting american apparel : I think Mr. Kitchens should conduct an evaluation of the other companies prior to contacting American Apparel.
Economics focuses on the choices that people make : As outlined in the first two chapters of BSZ, economics focuses on the choices that people make.


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