Youth cohort of population pyramid are young and healthy

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Reference no: EM133454801


1. Because the youth cohort of a population pyramid are young and healthy, they are the "producers" who contribute most to the workforce of a country.

True or False

2. Which is NOT one of the three critical influences on population

A. Census data
B. Reproduction
C. Death
D. Movement of people

3. According to the most recent U.S. population pyramid, baby boomers as a percent of the total U.S. population is increasing every year.


4. The "Trail of Tears" is an example of

A. forced internal migration.
B. asylum seeking.
C. refugee migration.
D. voluntary internal migration.

5. Emigration

A. is equal to the difference between voluntary migration and forced migration.
B. is a thing of the past and doesn't exist in our modern world.
C. refers to a move to a place.
D. refers to a move from a place.

Reference no: EM133454801

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