Reference no: EM13347791
Your task
• The auction system should allow the user to participate in a number of items, and for the user to be able to move between auction items while they under the action. An administrator page to monitor the auction on real time and to create the auction items and set initial price for each item.
• Store the interaction with items in a suitable database
• A database of user profiles, for example having a screen name. The format and storage of the profile is up to you

Concepts to employ
Your software could make use of the concepts outlined at the start of the assignment brief above. Think about where you can employ appropriate design patterns and other techniques. Some of these can be outlined as:
• You should have a generic class to access data categories, which can be subclassed into differing types according to what is needed at runtime.
• You will demonstrate knowledge of Design Patterns and use them appropriately.
• You will employ good software design and programming techniques, using concepts of object oriented design and software refactoring, as well as other techniques discussed in the lectures for this module.
• You will employ RMI based techniques to retrieve objects.
• Advanced JDBC concepts for improved maintainability and scalability of your code.
What to complete for the Task
• An application which will access a JDBC-compliant SQL database.
• A distributed application which will employ RMI to access a database.
• You are to refactor the original code, where needed, to both employ RMI, good OO techniques and make use of Design Patterns where possible e.g. you may make use of singleton, observer, and facade Design Patterns.