Your task is to design and implement a sorting

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Reference no: EM13371222

Your task is to design and implement a sorting algorithm

Algorithm that can sort nonnegative integers that fall within some limit, L

You will have a large array of numbers, of size N
e.g. N=10,000, L=20:
you have 10,000 numbers to sort, but the numbers are only from 0...20 range

You should design an algorithm that works in 0(N+L) time, that is, running time grows as a linear function of the array size, as long as L is not changed

It may be helpful to use one of the Majority Algorithms for inspiration in your thinking about the algorithm

Take integers from standard input (

Line 1 - single integer specifying number N<=100000 of elements in array 10
Line 2 - single integer specifying the number 1 L<=100, limit on the value of the integers to 7 be sorted 10
Lines 3 to N+2 - integers to be sorted, each 7 in range 0 to L 1

output sorted array to standard output (System.out), with each integer on a separate line


Reference no: EM13371222

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