Reference no: EM131276034
Assessment - Research and short report
Purpose of Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate students for the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop and conducted in a safe environment from CASE STUDY.
Description of Assessment
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development - human resource development field of work and include access to:
- organisational strategic and operational plans
- workplace policies and procedures
- legislation, regulations, codes of practice and industrial awards relevant to the business
- business technology
- interaction with others.
Assessment Instructions
Your assessment will be required to be typed in Arial font size 12 only. You will provide your completed assessment for all of questions in one document and MUST be uploaded into MOODLE (No other method of submission will be accepted).
You are required to professionally format your document including spell-check and indicating each Task answer [e.g. Task 1 (a.) then the answer, Task 1 (b.) then the answer etc.] according to this Assignment requirement. You may lose marks if you have not spell-checked your document (as this is a professional formatting requirement, a business skill).
This assessment can be completed in one of several ways. Assessment candidates may identify unit requirement within their own work environment or organisation, or with reference to a scenario provided by the trainer/assessor.
Be sure to properly reference your sources of information using the Harvard referencing system. For more information go to:-
- Student Handbook - latest version
- Ask your Trainer/Assessor to provide you with this information
In order to determine if you are addressing this assignment adequately in terms of competency/comprehension (prior to due date) a draft copy of your assessment should be discussed during class time in consultation with your Trainer/Assessor. For this feedback/ support from your Trainer/Assessor, you will need to bring to class your "draft copy" with any evidence of the research you have conducted to produce the assessment.
If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Trainer/Assessor to apply a reasonable adjustment - please discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies.
Your Assignment must:
a. Be of a professional standard (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
b. Size 12, Arial Font
c. 1.5 Spacing
d. All pages must have a Header/Footer with the following details:
o Name
o Student ID
o The course & unit of competency
o Date
o Page numbering
e. Title page
f. Index page
g. Body of work
h. Referencing
The Better Life Foundation is a not for profit organisation founded in 1982 by Michael Davis in the memory of his son Daniel. The foundation's major purpose is to help individuals and families understand and deal with young people afflicted with a variety of problems.
It provides a national, coordinated focus on youth mental health and related drug and alcohol problems in Australia and aims to improve access for young people aged 12-25 years to appropriate services and ensure better coordination between services.
The Better Life Foundation was established to promote and facilitate improvements in mental health, social well-being and economic participation of young people aged 12-25 years old.
Task 1 - Part 1 EAP Research and short report
Your task is to conduct internet research on EAP and answer the following questions via a one (1) page report:
What is EAP?
What kinds of organisations offer EAP?
What are the possible areas covered by EAP
Why is EAP offered?
Task 1 - Part 2 Design an EAP fact sheet for A Better Life Foundation
NOTES: The contents look and style of the EAP Fact Sheet is up to the individual student.
Task 1 - Part 3 Questionary
1. Briefly describe an employee relations strategy.
2. What is the concept of work\family in the development of HR strategies and policies?
3. What is Fair Work and what does it provide?
4. Name two (2) methods of employee retention.
5. What methods would organisations use to provide opportunities for employees to understand their roles and how they contribute to achieving organizational objectives?
6. What form would an individual development plan take, and what might its contents include?
7. Give three (3) examples of possible employee grievances?
8. What kind of early interventions might apply to managing grievances?
9. What problem solving steps might HR develop in managing grievances?
10. Why might external mediation be appropriate in managing grievances?