Your program should include two functions

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13168200

Write a program that takes as input a depth (in kilometers) inside the earth and displays the temperature at this depth in degrees Celsius and in degrees Fahrenheit. The relevant formula is


where C is the temperature in degrees Celsius and d is the depth in kilometers (a positive number). The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is given by F=(9/5)C+32

Your program should include two functions. Function celsius_at_depth should compute and return the Celsius temperature at a depth given in kilometers. Function fahrenheit should convert a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.
Your program should interact with the user in exactly this manner:

Enter depth in kilometers=> 15.4
The temperature is 174.0 degrees C or 345.2 degrees F.


Reference no: EM13168200

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