Your own personal experience-state conditioned stimulus

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133360063

Give at least 2 examples of conditioning from your own personal experience and state the conditioned stimulus and conditioned response in each of your examples. An example could be how your pet cat runs to its bowl (conditioned response) when it hears the sound of a can opener (conditioned stimulus).

Many advertisers use classical conditioning to help sell their products. This is often done when advertisers get the exposed person to associate the positive feeling they felt when watching the ad with the product. The product or brand within the ad then becomes the conditioned stimulus and the positive feeling becomes the conditioned response. Give one example of an ad that uses the principals of classical conditioning in an attempt to influence their consumers to feel positive about their product. State the conditioned response and the conditioned stimulus in the ad.

Reference no: EM133360063

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