Youngstown sold most of its output in the midwest

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM137637

Q. Bethlehem as well as Youngstown, two major steel producers, accounted for about 21 percent of the national steel market in the late 1950s, when they proposed to merge.
a. should the two steel companies have been allowed to merge? Why or why not?

b. According to the companies, Bethlehem sold most of its output in the East, whereas Youngstown sold most of its output in the Midwest. Was this fact relevant? Why or why not?

c. The district court d id not allow Bethlehem as well as Youngstown to merge. Yet in 1985 (as we saw in problem I), the Department of Transportation PROBLEMS allowed United Airlines with about 7 percent of the service between Japan as well as the U.S. mainly as well as to acquire Pan Arm's Pacific Division (with about 19 percent). How can you explain in this?

Reference no: EM137637

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