You will learn good deal about the prospect

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133619407


You are a financial advisor meeting a prospect for the first time. All that you know is this person is in their late 20's and their career is taking off. You need to prepare yourself for the meeting. Your manager wants to see three pages of questions and answers before you meet with the prospect. You need to sound like you know what a financial advisor does. You will impress the prospect with your competence and personality. You will learn a good deal about the prospect. If the manager is not impressed with your approach, the manager might take the lead and give it to someone else.

Reference no: EM133619407

Questions Cloud

American financial corporation include sources : What did Betty do wrong prior to the meeting, and what could have been done to avoid missing the deadline?
Implement strategies to reduce discriminatory practices : How do you believe organizations can implement strategies to reduce discriminatory practices and promote equal pay for all employees?
How non-verbal communication plays a role in communication : Identify how non-verbal communication plays a role in communication. Describe how to incorporate this education into inter-professional communication.
About criminal record history : What are several reasons why employers should NOT ask prospective candidates about their criminal record history
You will learn good deal about the prospect : You will learn a good deal about the prospect. If the manager is not impressed with your approach, the manager might take the lead and give it to someone else.
Share your perceptions base on your current work environment : Share your perceptions based on your current work environment: Is nursing perceived as a professional partner with other disciplines?
Evaluate contemporary leadership theories : Organisational Leadership at global level - Critically evaluate contemporary leadership theories with relevant examples Significant analysis of function
Discuss the case for the ongoing development : Discuss the case for the ongoing development and use of nursing grand theories and conversely, make a case for the obsolescence of nursing grand theories.
Why fat and cholesterol the primary factors in heart disease : Why are fat and cholesterol the primary factors in heart disease? How are they carried in the bloodstream? How can people influence the relative amounts of fat?


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