You may want to build a database with the required tables

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13973776

Question 1   

A database contains information regarding students and courses studied in a university.

Student (Information of students)


Data type




Name of the student



student id of the student



address of the student

Study (Study records of students)


Data type




Student id



course id of the course studied



grade obtained by the student in the course

Course (Information of courses)


Data type




Course id of the course



Title of the course

Design a JSP that displays the information of courses that a student has studied.  The student id of the student should have been passed as the parameter named studentID.  The following example shows the content when the request URL is:


The student with student id s1234567 is Chan Tai Man. He studied two courses with grades C and B-.

In order to test your program, you may want to build a database with the required tables.  However, the database is not part of the assessment of the assignment.

Question 2  

Repeat Question 1 using servlet. 

Question 3  

Consider the following data structure for an ouhk student record:


l   The root element is "records". It has a number of elements called "record"

n   The element "record" which has the following attributes:

u  name: name of the student

u  address: address of the student

u  dob: date of birth

u  A number of elements called "course".

u  The element "course" has the following elements:

l   "courseid" which is the course id of the course studied.

l   "score" which is the score of the course of the student.


(a)        Define the XML file format using

(i)      DTD                                                                                                                           [5]

(ii)     XML schema                                                                                                             [5]



Now, we want to display the following xml file as the following using XSLT:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


            <record name="chan" address="hong kong" dob="1994-12-04">






            <record name="wong" address="kwoloon" dob="1992-06-03">






            <record name="leung" address="NT" dob="1991-11-25">








Note that in the XML file, you need to add the following tag to use the xslt file:

<?xml-stylesheet href="records.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

The tag assume that the xslt file is called records.xsl and the xml file is in the same location as the xslt file.

Question 4  

You are given the following XML file:

<result id="s345054">











Now, we want to produce the following output for the above file using SAX:

This is the result of student s345054

Score of COMPS811 is 43.5

Score of COMPS838 is 35.0

Total mark:78.5

Average mark:39.25


Write down the SAX program.


You can assume that the file name of the XML file is input as arg[0] in the main method of the program.  


Reference no: EM13973776

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